Sound System

Immersing Your Audience in Cinematic Audio

With the proliferation of advanced audio formats, the right sound system can transport your audience into the heart of the action, making them feel every whisper, explosion, and musical note. At Goldenduck, we understand that exceptional audio is crucial to creating unforgettable cinematic moments. Our expertise lies in designing and implementing state-of-the-art sound systems that cater to the diverse array of modern audio formats, and immersive sound systems.

We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive audio solutions that encompass all related equipments to create a bespoke audio experience that complements your visual presentation. Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary. Contact Goldenduck today to elevate your cinema’s sound to new heights, making every screening an auditory masterpiece that resonates long after the credits roll.

Processor, Amplifier and Speaker

Cinema Speaker,Processor and Amplifier
Dolby and JBL, two titans in the cinema audio domain in a long time partnership
with Goldenduck Group, offers an array of speaker,processor and amplifier solutions tailored for diverse cinema requirements.

Soundking is the one cinema audio domain in a long time partnership with Goldenduck Group, Provider the global professional audio almost 30 years.

Recognized as the most loved and preferred system integrator in South East Asia; Goldenduck Group is able to offer flexible, innovative audio solutions suitable for any theater size, delivering Dolby Atmos and Dolby Audio 5.1 and 7.1 with incredible clarity, and superior dynamic range.

Goldenduck Group is committed in elevating the cinema experience now and into the future.

Public Address Sound

Goldenduck provide integrated solution from Public address system such as background music,announcemnet and voice alram system for elevate your lobby area to complete the cinema theater.