Cinema Operation Software

Cinema opearation software is designed to manage various aspects of running a movice theater. There systems can handel tasks such as manage schedule for movie, manpower, adverting and reporting.

Each of there software solution has its own strengths and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of difference cinema operation.

TMS: Screenwriter

With over 10-year partnership with AAM, Goldenduck is proud to offer all the exhibitors the most well-known TMS which has been deployed over 42,000 screens around the world. Ease your staffs routine workload, so they can focus on service excellence

Enterprise TMS: Producer

Imagine your entire circuit is on cloud! It’s time to revolutionize how you operate from head office with Enterprise Theater Management System.

NOC: Lifeguard

Designed to make day-to-day theatre management smooth and error-free, AAM Lifeguard presents exhibitors with their own NOC solution that helps to reduce the cost of operations, improve productivity, and deliver increased profitability